Are Facebook Ads Worth it in 2023?

Facebook Marketing
PC: Alexander Shatov

With Facebook’s nearly 2 billion active users covering pretty much every aspect of the world, it’s hard to write Facebook off as a marketing platform. 

The social media giant’s ads Manager platform is a bit wonky and certainly isn’t perfect, but when it’s dialed and working as expected it can do wonders for your business. It features in-depth analytics and robust targeting options, among many others, to maximize your return on investment (ROI) and return on ad spend (ROAS).

But there are a few things you should know before rushing into Facebook’s Business Manager and crafting ads, including some marketing jargon: 

Retargeting: This is a powerful feature on Facebook. It allows you to show ads to people who have already interacted with your company or product in some way. It could be people who viewed a product on your site, interacted with an ad they saw on Facebook, or put one of your products in their virtual cart but didn’t purchase.

Pixel: Facebook’s Pixel is a small snippet of code that is placed on your website, for example, that can capture specific data about a particular visitor on your site. This will allow you to more accurately retarget to them because you’ll have additional data on this visitor. 

Custom Audiences: One of Facebook’s most powerful tools is its ability to build out hyper-focused custom audiences. These are audiences that you can build and market specifically too. For example, if you sell dog toys in Atlanta, Georgia and you want to minimize shipping costs, you can create a custom audience that targets men/women between ages 13-35, for example, who own a dog in a specific zip code in Atlanta. This is only scratching the surface, too, of hyper targeting on Facebook. You can go much deeper than this even. 

If your company has an email list you can export that from your email platform and upload the CSV file into Facebook. It will then build a custom audience based on that. You can also exclude these people from seeing your ads too because maybe these people have already purchased the product you’re running advertisements on. 

Note that if an email address you uploaded doesn’t have a Facebook account associated with that email, they may not be properly excluded.

Let’s jump into a few reasons why Facebook ads are definitely worth it in 2022, 2023, and beyond.

Facebook ads have become a popular way to reach out to potential customers. 

If you’re looking to reach more potential customers with your Facebook ads, there are a few things you can do to make them more popular. 

First, make sure your ads are targeted to your specific audience. You can do this by targeting people by interests, demographics, and even behavior. 

Second, create ads that are relevant to your audience and offer something that they’re interested in. Third, use high-quality images and videos in your ads, as these tend to perform better than text-only ads. 

Finally, make sure your ads are short and to the point, as people are more likely to scroll past longer ads. We do live in the age of TikTok and quickly consume content. According to Kraus Group Marketing, the average consumer attention span is eight seconds.

By following these tips, you can make your Facebook ads more popular and more likely to reach your target customers.

Ad campaigns can be targeted to specific demographics, interests, or locations.

There are a lot of different ways to target ads to specific demographics. For example, you can target by age, gender, interests, location, and more.

One way to target ads to specific demographics is to use Facebook’s targeting options. You can target people by their age, gender, interests, and more. For example, if you want to target men ages 18-24 who are interested in rock music, you have that option with Facebook’s targeting feature.

Ads can be created in a variety of formats, including text, images, and videos.

There are a few different types of Facebook ads that you can use to promote your business. Here is a breakdown of the different types of Facebook ads and what each one can do for your business: 

Text ads: These are the simplest type of Facebook ad and can be used to promote your business in a short and concise way. Text ads can be used to promote special offers, new products, or even just to raise awareness about your business.

Image ads: Image ads are a great way to showcase your products or services in a visually appealing way. You can use images to highlight your best features, or even to tell a story about your business.

Video ads: Video ads are a great way to grab attention and really showcase what your business has to offer, especially if you’re a musician. Videos can be used to show off your products or services, or even to tell a story about your business. Musicians, for example, can use videos of live performances, clips from music videos, or even videos of you practicing and working on a demo as Facebook ads.

No matter what type of Facebook ad you choose, you can be sure that there’s an audience for it. 

Ads can be monitored and modified as needed.

A great thing about Facebook advertisements is that they can be monitored and adjusted frequently. For example, if you have an advertisement that has been running for 48 hours and isn’t performing well, you have the option to pause the ad or delete it entirely. This will stop the ad from running and costing you money.

There are a number of factors that you should look for before deciding to turn off an advertisement

Ads can be effective in reaching a wide audience.

There’s no question that Facebook ads are effective in reaching a wide audience. With over 2 billion active users, Facebook is the perfect platform to target your ads to a specific audience. But what makes them so effective?

Here are a few key factors:

1. Facebook ads are highly targeted

You can target your ads to a specific audience based on interests, demographics, and even behaviors. This ensures that your ads are being seen by people who are more likely to be interested in what you’re promoting.

2. Facebook ads are cost-effective

You can set a budget for your Facebook ads campaign and only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This makes Facebook ads an extremely cost-effective way to reach your target audience.

3. Facebook ads are timely

People are on Facebook all day, every day. This means that your ads have the potential to reach people in real-time, when they’re most likely to be interested in what you’re promoting.

Frequently asked questions about Facebook ads

Who are Facebook ads for?

Facebook ads are great for many different types of businesses, including musicians, ecommerce, and services-based business, among others. The ability to build out custom audiences that hyper target your audience is very powerful and ensures that your ads get onto the screens of the right people. This hyper targeting also maximizes efficiency so you’re not blindly spending money on serving ads to people that aren’t interested in your product or service.

For example, serving ads about your dog toy company to someone who doesn’t own a dog, have interest in dogs, or even like dogs, would be a waste of money and time. 

Can you run Facebook ads for free?

No, Facebook ads are not free. However, you can create a Facebook Page and then promote it through your personal Facebook profile to your friends and family. If you have a website or blog, you can promote it through Facebook ads with a little bit of an ad spend.

Is the recommended $5 per day in ad spend enough?

Facebook requires a minimum of $5/day in ad spend in order to push your advertisements to your audiences. For a business on a really tight budget, this may be sufficient to get a little bit of traction and test the waters.

The more you spend the more likely you are to get more traction and quality leads. If you can, up the spend limit per day to $10 or more. This gives Facebook more room to work with in your budget.

What is a good starting budget for Facebook ads?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the starting budget for Facebook ads will vary depending on factors such as the company’s advertising goals, target audience, and the amount of competition for ad space. However, businesses should generally expect to spend at least a few hundred dollars on Facebook ads before seeing any results. For companies with limited advertising budgets, starting with a smaller budget and gradually increasing it over time may be the best strategy.

What should I use Facebook ads for?

Since Facebook’s users have unlimited interests, the use cases for advertisements on Facebook are virtually endless. Do you have to sell something? Nope. Do I have to be a business owner? Also nope. 

Before running ads, it’s best to have a goal in mind. Do you want to sell more of your product? Are you trying to get rid of old inventory? Are you promoting a new song? Are you promoting a tour? Are you trying to book more introductory calls? Are you just trying to build brand awareness? Determining what you want prospective customers to do will improve your ads strategy and provide a clear path to success. 

Lennon Cihak

Lennon Cihak

Lennon Cihak is a music producer, freelance writer/journalist, and root beer connoisseur.

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